How Does Tapering Off Alcohol Work?

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The consequences of quitting alcohol cold turkey can be serious and lead to alcohol withdrawal syndrome, which can be fatal in severe cases. However, it is important to note that alcohol is very addictive. If you find that you cannot stop drinking, even if it is obvious that it is negatively impacting your life, you may need to seek help for alcohol use disorder. There is no shame in this — a chemical dependency on alcohol can cause severe withdrawal symptoms, and seeking medical attention is important to ensure recovery. Are you looking to cut back on excessive drinking and take control of your health?

best way to taper off alcohol

If you mess up once or twice and drink more than you intended to, don’t be too discouraged. You can continue your taper the next day from whatever point you think is appropriate. I’d try to shoot for your original goal the following day if the physical withdrawals were subsiding. As long as you are trending downward overall, you’re doing well.

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However, help and support aren’t just something for when you finish detoxing; it is also important while initially stopping alcohol. The Recovery Village at Baptist Health can help you start your recovery with alcohol addiction treatment — safely, comfortably and with your future in mind. Reach out to one of our Recovery Advocates and begin the healing process.

This strategy can help manage withdrawal symptoms sober house and facilitate a safer and more comfortable tapering process. However, it may spread out the withdrawal symptoms over a longer period of time. Continuous monitoring is a vital part of a successful tapering plan.

Identifying Drinking Habits

Check out this medical article which provides further detail on withdrawal from alcohol. It’s important to understand what to look out for and what to expect. Some withdrawal is normal, and some symptoms can be potentially life-threatening. If you decide to taper with benzos, don’t mix them with alcohol. Mixing alcohol with benzos is very dangerous and will land you in the hospital really fast. If you’re going to be spending time with family or friends you know well, you might decide to be upfront with them about what you’re doing.

A strong community can go a long way to helping cut down on alcohol use. If you are serious about mindful drinking, ask your friends, family, or other trusted member of your community to help you cut back. You can plan fun events that don’t center around alcohol, and they can assist in keeping you accountable to your goals. Actionable goals can help you by giving you exact data on your drinking habits. Pick a number of drinks per week as part of your plan to cut back on drinking, and be sure to keep track of this data. Depending on how much you drink and for how long, one rule of thumb is to avoid cutting more than 25% of your drinking intake at a single time to avoid withdrawal symptoms.

What Is Alcohol Tapering?

With tapering, you start slowly to minimize the chances of severe withdrawal and relapse, avoiding the shock quitting cold turkey can cause. Alcohol tapering should be personalized, based on how much and the length of time someone has been drinking. For people who drink heavily and frequently, it’s wise to consult with a medical professional before tapering. “Some will experience withdrawal symptoms when they stop abruptly, which is an indicator for medically managed alcohol withdrawal treatments from a health professional. Getting curious about a life without alcohol is already an incredible step, and a healthier lifestyle is within reach.

When To Seek Medical Help

How do I assess my relationship with alcohol and recognize withdrawal symptoms? To assess your relationship with alcohol, start by examining whether your drinking habits are impacting your social, psychological, and physical life. Keeping an alcohol use journal can help track your patterns, triggers, and emotions related to drinking, offering valuable insight. Be mindful of withdrawal symptoms like shakiness, restlessness, and nausea, which may indicate alcohol dependence and require professional help. Additionally, consider how alcohol affects your relationships and daily routines, and reflect on any negative consequences, such as arguments or reduced productivity.

If you know you’re heading to an event where you’ll be offered alcohol, prepare what you’re going to say before you get there, says Young. “It’s hard to go anywhere without someone offering you a drink,” says Leah Young, LCPC, Clinical Manager at Pathlight Mood & Anxiety Center. Even if you’re not someone who struggles with alcohol addiction, it can be hard to decrease your alcohol intake. It can be tempting to throw yourself into an alternative behavior or substance use in order to distract from the difficulties of recovery.

best way to taper off alcohol

Some people attain their goal only to find that old habits crop up again later. There is no shame in admitting this — the National Survey on Drug Use and Health found that 28.9 million Americans suffered from alcohol use disorder in 2023 alone. Make sure your plan to cut back on drinking alcohol has a specific, measurable goal. Perhaps you say things you regret when you drink too much, causing issues with loved ones.

best way to taper off alcohol

For severe alcohol addiction, seeking help from healthcare professionals or addiction specialists is crucial. A popular way to taper off alcohol is to gradually reduce the number of drinks you consume over a period of time. For example, if you normally drink 6 glasses of wine each night, you can try reducing that to 5 glasses of wine a night. After several days of 5 glasses of wine, you can reduce that down to 4.

The purpose of tapering off alcohol is to avoid major withdrawal symptoms so you can achieve sobriety safely. The time it takes to taper will depend on how long you’ve been drinking, how much you’ve been drinking and a variety of personal factors. When they suddenly quit drinking, the brain continues its hyperactivity, but alcohol no longer suppresses the effects.

  • Weaning off alcohol is considerably safer and more effective than going cold turkey.
  • Discover essential recovery gifts to support sobriety and celebrate milestones on the journey to wellness.
  • If you’re sweating, place a cold towel on your forehead or on the back of your neck.
  • Do anything and everything you can to distract yourself from drinking.

Being aware of your consumption is an essential part of how to taper off alcohol successfully. Choosing to taper off alcohol is an admirable decision and a step in the right direction. As with many self-detox methods, the risks and rewards go hand in hand when attempting to overcome an alcohol substance use disorder. But, with a little prior knowledge on how to taper off alcohol, adequate planning and professional consultation from a healthcare provider, it can certainly be done. This may work for many people, but in practice each individual will respond best to a different pace, and each doctor will have their own recommendations. The risk of tapering too slowly is that you won’t stick with it, while the risk of tapering too fast is severe withdrawal.

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