Real Reasons Why Guys Do Not Text Back For Days

You wouldn’t have written this comment if you weren’t someone who wanted to help other women who are going through a painful struggle. I’m not trying to attack you here, I just want to invite you to a perspective that feels better so that you feel happier in your life (and your love life). The thing I had to realize is that when I tell him something bothers me, he tries to fix it. If he tells me, “Baby, it won’t happen again,” it doesn’t.

The strange thing is that he texts me every day and every single morning I don’t go without a good morning text message from him. I feel like he doesn’t care about me but yet he texts me every day and I’m too nice to tell him not to. Why does he still want to text me when he has no time to see me. I have only been on 2 dates with this guy and we’ve had a blast both times.

He’s busy.

It’s the RL equivalent of being at a party with a guy who keeps leaving you alone because he’s too busy chatting to other women. So, if he’s always talking about himself and never asks you questions about your life, day, or passions, the guy’s too self-absorbed to date seriously. He also sees you as someone he’d casually date instead of be serious about because it means he doesn’t how to see who likes you on BlackGentry without paying have to do too much work. You thought it was the start of something, then all of a sudden he cuts all communication and you don’t hear from him again. If you’re looking for a relationship, then chatting with the guy should come easily and naturally to you both. If it doesn’t then it might be time to step away from the phone and ghost him before he finally pulls the trigger on you.

If you don’t, he might stop texting you to show that he feels ignored. They would rather withdraw into themselves to handle their feelings on their own because they don’t want to be a burden or they don’t think anyone else will understand. “All we do is text.” The downside of texting relationships. It might make you feel closer, but a text message relationship is giving you a raw deal. If he doesn’t want to chase you or if he barely gives you any regard (or none at all), then you are probably better off trying to forget he ever existed.

Reason b women turn into “he thinks just because he bought me dinner I have to sleep with him”, but it’s more about feeling used or conned. Typically this would happen if we just got the cold shoulder. If you have interest but don’t want to have sex then just be warm and kiss him goodnight or something. I’m so sorry that you had to go through this.

If you’re not even an official couple, then it’s unfair to expect him to act like he’s your official boyfriend. My first ever gf forced me to get a phone and taught me how to text and that was back with T9. Most recent gf bought me an Apple Watch for my bday even though I didn’t even want it. Just because it showed when I got messages because I’d never look at my phone. I’d forget about my phone all day sometimes.

You might have some amazing chats with him via text, but they mean nothing if he doesn’t want to see you in real life. A guy who’s interested in dating you seriously will want to spend lots of time with you. If he never invites you out, yet he sends you tons of texts, then he’s clearly quite happy with keeping your relationship on a superficial level. Even if the conversations are deep and you feel like you’re getting to know each other, it’s still not enough for a serious, committed relationship to occur. To help you find out if the guy you’re chatting to is just looking for a fling or friendship, take a look at his texting habits. Here are 20 red-flag texts that show he’s choosing casual dating over commitment.

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I mean, he isn’t even owning up to the relationship he’s in, so why bother? I’m not judging you, but something like this should probably turn you off. I don’t have any interest in dating anyone else now that I have met him but again I have had the chance to date several other people when he hasn’t. So I feel like I know what else is out there where he might not. I’ve been dating a guy I met online for about 6-8 weeks. We live in different cities so we’ve only had 3 dates although each lasted about 8 hrs (spent all day together).

Etc etc etc” like this guy gets all sweet and charming. I read your “how do you tell if he’s not into you “?? Sorry, but i’ve seen this kinda thing more times than necessary. He’s prob been playing around with her since he realized u weren’t dtf. He’s avoiding u bc he’s a jerk who doesn’t own a pair and doesn’t feel like dealing with the awkwardness of telling u that he’s got a new gf. If the guy does not text you back within a reasonable period of time (reasonable for you, that is. Compare your contact now to when he was actually interested), do not text or contact him.

Now duno wat to do… i cant stop thinking about him i ador him to much. Lizzie, i am no relationship expert, but i believe you should not text him either until he’s ready to “talk”. If things ate shady & he’s texting you on and off.

Some women here are saying if after one text there is no reply, the number is deleted and they move on. Others say they keep texting and feeling more frustrated until they send the angry messages – I would say to just send the nice ones, and stop when you feel the need to be rude or angry. That’s your signal that you’ve reached the end of your tolerance. I totally agree with you Lola…it’s definitely different when it comes to a friendship and when it comes to romantic relationships. The guy should make more of an effort to respond to the person he is interested in if he wants to keep her.

He replied with another off-the-wall answer like I could read his mind. I get that this guy is a bit scattered but ultimately if he doesn’t care, I don’t. I’m not waiting for any man to respond and play whatever game they do even if they’re busy (we’re all busy) and I get the “guy” thing when it comes to texting as my brother does the same.

I know some men will try to say no no that’s not true but it is, when a guy really wants something…hell even if it is just sex, he WILL go after it with all he’s got. When he doesn’t, [you, it’s fill in noun] just meh to him and if its meh he won’t bother really making any real effort. This advice is fine if you want to be alone.

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